Perfectly Clear SDK Documentation
Examples (OSX / Linux)

Scenario #1 - Using PCF_AutoCorrect

The simplest way to use Perfectly Clear library suite.

  1. Populate image data into PFCIMAGE structure:
    // Populate image information into PFCIMAGE structure.
    im.width = originalImageFile.width; // Width of image
    im.height = originalImageFile.height; // Height of image
    im.stride = originalImageFile.stride; // Stride of image
    im.format = PFC_PixelFormat24bppBGR; // Format of image data (RGB for jpeg) = originalImageFile.raw_image; // Location of image data buffer
  2. Initialize the parameter structure:
    // Declaration of PFCPARAM.
    PFCPARAM param;
    // Initialize process parameters. If presetID is left blank, default to using Intelligent Auto preset.
    PFC_SetParam(param, (PFCPRESETID)presetID);
  3. Perform full correction using the auto function:
    // Process image.
    int status = PFC_AutoCorrect(&im, NULL, param, -1, NULL, FALSE, bVerbose? myStatus : NULL);
    // Optional display of process status.
    if (bVerbose)
    if (status == 0)
    printf("Image processed successfully\n");
    else if (status > 0)
    printf(" Pre-calculation on noise returns %d\n", PFCNR_STATUS(status));
    printf(" Core pre-calculation returns %d\n", PFCCORE_STATUS(status));
    printf(" Pre-calculation on face details returns %d\n",PFCFB_STATUS(status));
    printf(" Pre-calculation on red eye returns %d\n", PFCRE_STATUS(status));
    else if (status < 0)
    printf("Image processed failed with return code: %d\n", status);

Scenario #2 - Separate PFC_Calc and PFC_Apply

More advanced way to use Perfectly Clear library suite.

  1. Create a single engine that can be re-used on many images:
    // Create PFCENGINE instance for use in this session.
    // Optional display of status.
    if (bVerbose)
    if (pEngine->status == ENGINESTATUS_OK)
    printf("Engine created successfully.\n");
    printf("Face Beautification library not available.");
  2. Initialize the parameter structure (using default parameter values): The parameters can be imported from a preset file.
    // Optionally, the process parameters can be imported from a .preset file.
    // (The .preset file can be exported from Athentech's desktop applications. e.g. Workbench.)
    int ret = PFC_ReadPresets(param, profilename);
    if (bVerbose)
    printf("PFC_ReadPresets returns %d\n", ret);
    Alternatively the parameters can be initialized using PFC_SetParam() function.
    // Use default parameters.
    PFCPARAM param;
    if (profilename != NULL)
    // Optionally, the process parameters can be imported from a .preset file.
    // (The .preset file can be exported from Athentech's desktop applications. e.g. Workbench.)
    int ret = PFC_ReadPresets(param, profilename);
    if (bVerbose)
    printf("PFC_ReadPresets returns %d\n", ret);
    if (ret != 0)
    if (ret == -2) // preset file not found
    // Use default parameters if preset file not found.
    printf("Unable to open preset file %s. Using default settings.\n", argv[3]);
    printf("Unable to read preset file.\n");
    // Use default parameters.
  3. Populate image data into PFCIMAGE structure:
    // Populate image information into PFCIMAGE structure.
    im.width = originalImageFile.width; // Width of image
    im.height = originalImageFile.height; // Height of image
    im.stride = originalImageFile.stride; // Stride of image
    im.format = PFC_PixelFormat24bppBGR; // Format of image data (RGB for jpeg) = originalImageFile.raw_image; // Location of image data buffer
  4. Perform pre-calculation of image specific profile. pEngine is created from step 1 and used here in the PFC_Calc function
    // Analyze image and obtain image specific profile.
    PFCPROFILE pProfile = PFC_Calc(&im, NULL, pEngine, CALC_ALL, -1, NULL, NULL, bVerbose? myStatus : NULL);
    // Optional display of status.
    if (bVerbose)
    if (pProfile->Status != 0)
    if (pProfile->Status & CALC_NR)
    printf(" Pre-calculation on noise returns %d\n", pProfile->NR_Status);
    if (pProfile->Status & CALC_CORE)
    printf(" Core pre-calculation returns %d\n", pProfile->CORE_Status);
    if (pProfile->Status & CALC_FB)
    printf(" Pre-calculation on face details returns %d\n", pProfile->FB_Status);
    if (pProfile->Status & CALC_RE)
    printf(" Pre-calculation on red eye returns %d\n", pProfile->RE_Status);
    printf("Calc returns %d\n", pProfile->Status);
  5. Apply the calculated profile and parameters to the image.
    // Process image with user parameters.
    PFCAPPLYSTATUS status = PFC_Apply(&im, pEngine, pProfile, param, bVerbose? myStatus : NULL);
    // Optional display of status.
    if (status == APPLY_SUCCESS && bVerbose)
    printf("Image processed successfully.\n");
    else if (status > APPLY_SUCCESS && bVerbose)
    // Check return code for Noise Removal
    printf("Noise removal status %d\n", NRRETCODE(status));
    // Check return code for Perfectly Clear Core correction
    printf("Perfectly Clear correction status %d\n", CORERETCODE(status));
    // Check return code for Face Beautification
    printf("Face beautification status %d\n", FBRETCODE(status));
    // Check return code for Red Eye Removal
    printf("Red eye removal status %d\n", RERETCODE(status));
    else if (status < APPLY_SUCCESS )
    printf("Image processing failed with return code: %d\n", status);
  6. Release resources used by PFCPROFILE:
    // Release Profile
  7. Release the engine to release resource. Or, keep the engine around for use on another image.
    // Destroy engine. It is important that PFCENGINE is destroyed after
    // all the profiles are released.